Respire Digital Splint
3D Printed splints* for consistent
high accuracy and quality
Fully biocompatible, 3D printed splints offer better comfort with the quality fit from its flexibility while digital printing process assures consistent quality for its accuracy, which provides less chairside and enhanced patient comfort. All designs come with 3-year manufacturer’s warranty.
*Splints are printed with flexible acrylic material with KeySplintSoft™ or hard acrylic material with KeySplintHard™ from KeyStone®. These splints reposition the mandible, resulting in neuromuscular equilibrium.

Expert’s Review

Barry N. Chase, DDS, D. ABDSM
Digital Splint Features & Benefits

Flexible Material
For Durability
Printed with biocompatible resin, its flexibility provides better fit with more durability and less breakage. The material is also resistant to abrasions, impact, stain, and discoloration.

Consistent High Accuracy
& Quality Fit
3D Digital printing process assures consistent high accuracy and quality fit for the less chairside work.

No Metal For
Better Comfort
3D Digital printing process provides designs without metal, which offers patients better comfort for higher compliance.
Digital Splint Designs

Reduced Anterior Design (a.k.a., Modified Gelb)
- Available for the lower arch with flexible acrylic material only
- With no facial acrylic covering anterior teeth, this design helps increase vertical dimension and support mandibular advancement to give the patient a reference for proper occlusion, stabilizes articular disc between head of the condyle and superior wall of the fossa.

Anterior Ramp Design (a.k.a. Farrar)
- Available for upper only. Material can be selected from flexible acrylic or hard acrylic.
- Maxillary anterior ramp design helps prevent mandibular posterior collapse while sleeping.
- This design can be worn together with a 1.1 mm tray lower arch to distribute (stress break) ramp forces, and to prevent lower anterior tooth movement.

Single Arch Design: Upper or Lower
- Material can be selected from flexible acrylic or hard acrylic.
- Low profile design helps with grinding, protects tooth occlusal attrition, and provides some vertical dimensional increase.

1.1mm Tray (Optional)
- Available for upper or lower with flexible acrylic only.
- Lower arch design can be worn together with Anterior Ramp Design to protect tooth movement.
- Can be ordered separately.