The Only Bondable Buttons Designed Specifically For Clear Aligners Just Expanded!

Orthodontic Buttons – Reimagined

Orthodontists routinely use rubber bands with clear aligners to correct malocclusions. However, we’ve been attaching the elastics with components created for braces – not aligners.

These auxiliaries often debond or cause irritation because they have a small surface area and are intended for the center of the clinical crown.

As orthodontists ourselves, we envisioned a new type of button that could fit within the aligner cutout windows, like a puzzle piece.

A Perfect Match For Your Practice

First introduced by MidAtlantic Ortho (MAO), DynaFlex® is now the exclusive North American distributor for Precision Buttons®.

Whether you treat using Invisalign®, 3M™ Clarity™, SmileShare™ Clear Aligners or any other aligner system — our patented design gives you a reliable bond due to its large surface area and contour.

Now doctors around the world are reducing their unnecessary emergency patient visits with Precision Aligner Buttons®


More comfortable button head

Now Nickel-Free Alloy

Lower profile stem for
patient comfort


Ideal for 7’s or partially erupted 1st molars

15% smaller base pad

Same precise base shape for superb retention


More retentive base pad

Sturdier button stem which means less breakage

Smoother button head for patient comfort

Trusted By Top Orthodontists

Dr. Ben Fishbein

“Precision Aligner Buttons® stay on better than anything we’ve used in the past. They are the obvious choice for clear aligner treatment.”

Dr. Bryan Lockhart

“The Precision Buttons® have allowed me to use what I want – orthodontic buttons – without the headaches of frequent breakage and it has really changed the way I practice. The low profile and smooth corners provide spectacular comfort.”

Dr. Dovi Prero

“My team and my patients love the Precision Aligner Buttons®. The large bonding pad, ease of use, and the shape make it a perfect match for my aligner patients and a perfect match for my practice. They are truly rockstar buttons!”

Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis

“Precision Aligner Buttons® give me the peace of mind of a perfect fit every time on every patient lending to greater comfort and fewer failures. I never imagined Precision Aligner Buttons® could make such a positive difference and impact, but they have!”