Using your Intraoral Scanner
DynaFlex® can accept scans taken through any intraoral scanner – including but not limited to: MEDIT i700, CEREC Omnicam, 3Shape TRIOS, Carestream CS 3500, 3M True Definition, Planmeca, and iTero.
Important Note: DynaFlex® can accept .stl files from ANY scanner. If your scanner is not listed, call 1-800-489-4020 for more info.
Plug-in, scan and upload cases to SmileShare™ in 3 minutes or less with the Medit i700.

The Process
Step 1
Option A. Take Your Scan – Most scanners allow you to send your scans directly to DynaFlex® using your scanners drop down menu. If your scanner does not support this feature, you can manually export your scans directly to DynaFlex®. DynaFlex® can accept an .stl file from any scanner. If it’s your first time submitting a scan, please contact the 3D.Ortho department at 800-489-4020 for initial setup up instructions. Setup is quick and easy.
Option B. Take PVS Impressions – Using high quality PVS material, take impressions of the upper and lower arch, pour impressions immediately in stone or wrap the impressions with a wet paper towel and place in sealed bag for shipment to DynaFlex®.
Step 2
Complete Your Prescription – Every case requires a DynaFlex® prescription to be completed and submitted in order to process. Please be sure to fill out all fields of the RX and upload patient images and additional resources to ensure that we best understand your treatment objectives. To access SmileShare™, please click here.
Important Information for Scanning Cases for SmileShare™ Clear Aligners.
When scanning your patient, always keep in mind the desired appliance and tooth movement, visualizing areas that will be incorporated in its use and fabrication. This will ensure proper turnaround time and accuracy of the fabricated appliance. Please refer to the chart below for our scanning requirements.